Welcome to Thurlton Primary...
The children, staff and governors would like to welcome you to our vibrant and happy school.
We are lucky to be located within a warm community, based in a traditional Victorian school building that has been extensively modernised and extended within our generous grounds; this includes play equipment, our own bird hide and a forest school area.
As a team we are extremely proud of our school and the community that we are a part of. We aim to create and sustain a rich learning environment, providing the very best opportunities for our children and their families. We know that education is a partnership between home and school. We believe that children learn best and are successful and happy when home and school work together for their benefit.
If you would like to learn more about our school, then please read through the information on our website, or make an appointment to come and visit us. You will be warmly welcomed.
Mrs Balado (Headteacher)