01508 548318office@thurlton.org@ThurltonHead

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You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.



We want our children to be happy, engaged, motivated and to enjoy their learning.


We offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of The National Curriculum, core stories and other challenging experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school.


Thurlton Primary Intent Statement

At Thurlton Primary we are committed to delivering a rich and varied curriculum that promotes learning, personal growth, independence, curiosity and resilience.  

All individuals are valued; pupils flourish in a safe, calm, caring and enabling environment where well-being is paramount. Our learning environment is supportive and purposeful, stimulating, challenging and engaging, with a clear focus on promoting positive behaviour and behaviours for learning.

The core skills and knowledge within the National Curriculum form the basis for our learning.

We run a comprehensive and exciting two-year rolling programme for Hedgehogs (EYFS and Year 1) and Rabbits (Years 2 and 3), and a three-year rolling programme for our Badgers class (Years 4, 5 and 6), which covers  all the aspects of the National Curriculum.

During EYFS and Key Stage One, phonics is taught using the Early Letters and Sounds (ELS) synthetic phonics scheme.

Our pupils thrive personally and in their learning; learning is fun and interactive. We value every member of our community and are continually working to further develop effective partnerships between parents, teacher, pupils and the wider community.

At Thurlton Primary School, we are committed to providing a curriculum which:

  • Is nurturing and puts the needs of all children at the heart of everything we do
  • Prepares pupils for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of adult life and lays a firm foundation for future learning.
  • Is broad, balanced and carefully planned to be relevant and inspiring
  • Provides exciting, stimulating opportunities through creative teaching that enables every individual to enjoy learning and achieve
  • Supports our pupils, through flexible differentiation, in becoming well-rounded, inclusive, resilient and considerate
  • Invites children’s ideas passions and curiosity to form part of our learning journey
  • Develops and inspires inquisitive minds
  • Supports every child to experience success and feel valued
  • Respects British Values, instilling a sense of democracy, liberty and the rule of law
  • Embraces the wider community and encourages respect for our diverse society irrespective of faith, race, belief or culture
  • Promotes a willingness to participate in and respond positively to different opportunities


So that our children:

  • Are resilient
  • Are aware of our place in the world, having a sense of global responsibility
  • Are confident that they can succeed and inquisitive to know more
  • Demonstrate mutual respect and co-operation
  • Value all members of our community the wider world
  • Feel safe and secure, included, listened to and valued
  • Develop wide ranging skills that promote opportunity
  • Have high expectations for themselves
  • Feel proud of themselves, our school and all that they achieve



We know children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit. We firmly believe that the education of the children is a partnership between children, staff and home. We place a great deal of emphasis on our relationship with our parents/carers.


Support from home is vital in maximising our pupil’s chances of fulfilling their potential.  In order to facilitate this partnership, parents/carers are welcome to visit school to discuss their children’s progress with staff, at a mutually convenient time. We also invite parents in on a regular basis to take part in open mornings and activity sessions. Each class has regular parent/carer meetings, one per term where short written reports are sent home.


We want children to come school every day excited by the prospect of new discoveries and new skills to learn.


If you are a registered parent or carer of a pupil at our school you can tell us your views by completing Ofsted’s online survey

Our approach to Teaching and Learning

Our approach to Teaching and Learning

We understand that pupils learn in many different ways. Lessons are planned to cater for different learning styles to ensure that all children can access the curriculum and learn in a way that is best for them.


Our pupils enjoy learning through involvement in a purposeful, and relevant curriculum that develops lively, enquiring minds and supports pupils in acquiring skills for life. We use the national curriculum to inspire learning through the teaching of topics and discrete statutory content.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


In the Early Years Foundation Stage, a variety of structured play and practical activities are planned to help children develop in the following three prime areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development 


Pupils learn in an imaginative, play-based environment, both indoors and outdoors; the prime areas provide a focus for learning skills and experiences. There are role-play, story sessions, development of number and handwriting skills as well as lots of opportunities for speaking and listening and the development of communication and social interaction skills.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Key Stage 1 and 2

At Key Stages 1 and 2, we aim to create successful learners who are confident individuals and responsible members of society, fully prepared for the next stage of their education and enthusiastic about learning. Pupils have a daily English and maths lesson.


The teaching of English will provide pupils with opportunities to:

  • Develop the necessary skills to use the English language confidently, appropriately and accurately to the best of their ability.
  • Speak clearly and confidently to audiences of different types and size.
  • Attentively listen to other people speak, with understanding, pleasure and empathy.
  • Read a range of materials fluently and with understanding for enjoyment and for information.
  • Write effectively for a range of audiences and purposes, using handwriting, word-processing, spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately and confidently.


Phonics is the beginning of Literacy. We base our phonics teaching on the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) programme of teaching.


Reading is core to our learning. It is only through fluency, comprehension and confidence in reading that we can learn effectively. Our purpose is to create fluent, discerning, life-long readers who love and value books. Through taking books home on a daily basis, children are encouraged to share books with peers and family regularly. Teachers take time to read class novels and model reading for pleasure.

In order to embed the focus on reading, our English curriculum is based on the ‘Power of Reading’ (CLPE). This scheme takes a core book as the basis of learning and develops the skills of reading and writing, including drama, speaking and listening, through the broad topic/ storyline of the chosen book.


Writing skills are developed through all areas of the curriculum as much as possible, so that pupils understand the range of writing genres and the variety audiences accessing the written word.


Grammatical accuracy is embedded in the teaching of writing but also as a discrete element of the English curriculum.


Our maths curriculum is based on White Rose.

This scheme builds on core skills and ensures that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of maths including the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.  Pupils are taught to reason mathematically, solve problems and apply their mathematical skills in a variety of real life contexts.


All other subjects (science, computing, history, geography, design technology, music, art, and PE) are taught, guided by bought schemes and building on skills and knowledge year on year.


Religious Education is based on the Norfolk agreed syllabus.

Relationships and sex education (RSE) is based on the Norfolk scheme. Personal , social and health education and British values are taught using the national curriculum guidance as well as resources from other schemes.


Promoting the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths we believe is a fundamental element of our teaching. Using Values for Life and Personal Social and Health Education lessons we encourage children to develop their own beliefs and an understanding of the meaning of a healthy life style, staying safe, being a good citizen.


We aim to develop children’s enjoyment, confidence and skill in physical activity and introduce them to the pleasures of sport, including swimming, so that they become active children who benefit from a healthy lifestyle.  We also run outdoor learning for part of the year to encourage pupils to see learning beyond the classroom, developing their love of nature and the outdoors through the use of our bird hide and Forest Schools area.


We aim to enhance and enrich the curriculum through a variety of activities including educational visits, visitors to school, after school clubs and links with other schools.



Thurlton Primary School

We strive to enable all the children to reach their full potential in all areas of learning.

We do this in an atmosphere of mutual respect, kindness and understanding of each others differences in a challenging, stimulating and safe environment.

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

Our schools

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